
As an experienced artist with years of studio practice and exhibitions, I'm here to share not only practical wisdom but also to offer support for the challenges every artist faces. I understand that the creative process can be a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and it can sometimes affect how we view our work and ourselves as artists.

Artistic practice is often solitary, and feedback from friends and family can be a key foundation to keep going. However, there are times when your artistic vocabulary and expression require an outside perspective to help you grow. That's where a mentor can make all the difference—offering insights, constructive feedback, and encouragement tailored to your unique journey.

Finding the right mentor takes time and effort. It's important to find someone you "vibe" with, someone who understands your vision and shares your passion for art. A mentor should be someone you feel comfortable with and who can guide you in a way that aligns with your goals.

I want what's best for you and your artistic growth. I know that being an artist requires significant investment in time, resources, and energy. That's why I'm offering a complimentary 15-minute "Meet & Greet" session. It's an opportunity for us to connect, discuss your artistic aspirations, and see if we're a good fit to work together. This way, we can both ensure that our paths align, and that we can create a mentorship that truly benefits your development as an artist.

If you're looking for guidance, encouragement, and a mentor who truly understands the artistic journey, I invite you to book your complimentary session with me. Let's explore how we can work together to bring your artistic vision to life and navigate the exciting road ahead.


Sessions are $85 per hour, with each session lasting 70 minutes - the initial 10 minutes is dedicated to a relaxing time of catch-up, these extra minutes are complementary and separate from the paid session time. Our sessions take place via Zoom, providing flexibility and convenience in our interactions.

Schedule your free 15-minute "Meet and Greet" by clicking the button below.


Elevate your artistry with personal growth by:

  • Engaging in meaningful conversations about your work to discover fresh perspectives and paths for improvement.

  • Developing a more profound connection with your creative instincts, uncovering what truly inspires you.

  • Experimenting with new techniques and methods that can bring your artistic vision to life in unique ways.

  • Learning to juggle the complexities of an artistic career while maintaining harmony with your daily life.

An artist's journey is like a winding path with unexpected turns and challenges. Life’s demands often pull you away from your creative sanctuary, making it crucial to find your way back. A mentor can be your guiding light through these times of uncertainty, helping you keep pace with your artmaking. They offer valuable advice and share their wisdom, enabling you to navigate the highs and lows of your artistic journey with confidence and clarity.